Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 106 of 365

We were at Gil's office Christmas party tonight and we had a very fun time. Lots of opportunity for picture taking which was very fun. The food was good, the company mostly delightful and the vodka and cranberry juice went down easy. Thank goodness I was not the poor girl from the party in the next room who drank so much she spent most of the night in the ladies room worshiping the porcine gods. At least she MADE it to the washroom, someone else worshiped the carpet ... it was awful.
Anyway enough about that lovely topic... one of the fun things we do every year is pulling the Christmas crackers. I love that tradition, I love the silly paper hats and the bad jokes...
I even love the awful gits. I love them.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...there were pig-like gods in the ladies' room? Oh dear.
