Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 73... TMI!

There are somethings in our private lives that we don't share with the outside world. Somethings that are private or weird and other people just don't meed to know about them. This is one of those stories.
Don't say I didn't warn you. 
In my house some acts of personal hygiene are totally private and are done totally behind closed doors away from the other inhabitants of the house; like clipping your toe nails, man that is gross, to that in seclusion!! However peeing isn't one of them, unless we have company over, please don't be afraid to come over and visit, I promise I won't make you watch. But when Gil and I are home we have an open door policy and we have for the entire 8 years we have lived together. Tonight when we came home I had to go rather badly so I ran to the bathroom but we were in the middle of talking about something interesting so I left the door open. He said something to me that I couldn't hear so I leaned forward to hear him better but I had not noticed the door had bounced off the radiator and had closed a little so I also didn't see that my head with on an impact trajectory to the doorknob. Honest to god the first thing I thought was that I had lost my ear, then I thought maybe I had broken my jaw, then I realized I has screaming and freaking out and my poor husband was looking at me like I had been shot. The pain was friggin' immense. I saw some very pretty black spots dance before my eyes and then as my husband passed me the dogs water dish I chucked. I am okay now, the dizziness has pretty much passed and Hawk-eye  moved me to a comfortable seat in the living room with an ice pack on the goose egg behind my ear. Apparently there is a big never bundle back there so... fun times!


1 comment:

  1. So...your story at work tomorrow is ran into a door? Oh no! I hope they don't jump to any wrong conclusions!
