Monday, November 29, 2010

Day number 88 of 365

Night is coming pretty damn early these days. The sky was starting to darken when I left work tonight at 4:30. It is hard to deal with for me because I do have SAD. Some people don't believe in such a thing or they think that everyone gets a little sad in the winter but those who have it will tell you, as I am now, that it is very real and very painful illness I have great support from my husband and my friends but that doesn't mean I don't still feel it. One of the things that helps is to keep busy, keep structured and to look for beauty in the darkness. That is why I am sharing this picture that I took at sunset which this evening came at roughly 5:15pm.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what the symptoms of SAD are, but I've always had a strong aversion to dusk or twilight. It's not that I don't like sunsets (I love 'em! They're beautiful!). It's the low light that irritates me. I feel anxious and restless and I need to turn on the lights. I just hate that in between when it's too dark to read but not dark enough to be night time. I get anxious on really cloudy days too sometimes.
