Sunday, September 26, 2010


Gil and I had this mask made for Aimee last year when we were in Las Vegas. It was thank you gift for looking after the cats for two weeks of total mayhem. We looked and looked for a gift but everything was too cheesy or tacky (hello Vegas!) but then the day before we were leaving I found this booth in The Venetian and I KNEW that was the thing. Anyway, I have a major headache and that is my story. Nighty night.


  1. Wow! It's lovely. I'm betting you are a GOOD gift giver. (Actually, I already know this to be true from the gifts I've seen you give!) But...did you forget to give it to Aimee and that's why you had it to photograph? In which case, you'd be a good gift INTENTIONER, more than gift GIVER. Or maybe you were just at Aimee's house today.

  2. I was at Aimee's house today pretending to be role playing but really napping and taking pictures.
