Friday, September 10, 2010


I had today off as a vacation day so that my head won't explode at work, that would be very bad. 
Anyway a day to myself meant LOTS of of time for picture taking. I had so much fun and the weather was very co-operative between sun showers and thunder heads and rainbows.
This picture was taken right after a brief shower



  1. Would only be cooler if I could see you better in the reflection on the raindrop. Raindrops FTW!

  2. Today I took Magda out in the garden to help me weed (I rip out the weeds, she hands me the dead leaves) and to spend a little time outside. She kept wanting to put everything in her mouth and taste it (she's one, it's her job) and I kept having to stop her. She was getting a little frustrated with me when I remembered! We have chives! So I picked I nice long chive stalk (is it a stalk? or a blade?) and showed her that it was okay to eat. She didn't believe me at first, but once she put it in her mouth, her eyes got round and huge at the shock of the taste in her mouth. I think she's hooked!
