Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 28,,, The continuing story of things I love.

I love to read. I love books. They make me happy. They make me sad. They make me think. They turn off my brain. My mother told me that I basically came out of the womb with a book in my hands (Hey wait! How did that get up there?!) I can't remember a time when I didn't read in the evening before bed. When I was a little girl I used to lay on the floor next to the door so I could read by the light coming through the crack. I love some exceptional books. I love some mediocre books. I even love some really terrible books (I have a deep unapologetic passion for the Thorn Birds)  Anyway tonight was our book club night although we had a very very low turn out I did get to talk to some ladies I love about some books I adore so I call it a success and I also call it inspiration for today's picture.

Getting a head start on the next book. I have read it 3 times already.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for book clubs! I'm joining one too! Our first meeting is Tuesday. I didn't read the book. I tried, but I hated it. I feel like a kid who's showing up for school without having done my homework. Actually, I barely remember how that feels. I usually did my homework.
