Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 16

Today was  a FUN day. I actually took a few pictures I really liked but I narrowed it down to this one. 

Pepper Pots!

Last week I left the house one day WITHOUT my camera and we ended up at Kent. I was in the greenhouse so I could visit the turtles when I found these. I fell in love. Oh the colours just kill me. Anyway of course I was totally bummed I didn't have my camera and have been thinking about the pictures that might have been ever since. So this morning when my husband asked me if there was anywhere special I wanted to go I grabbed my camera, jumped in the car and hollered "Jeeves! To Kent!" Well okay I made that last part up. He said he needed to go to Kent to get a new wheelbarrow and I did a little dance of hope and joy. I am so glad they were still on display. I thought about buying one or ten for my kitchen but then I remember my evil cat would just kill it so I will have to be content to revel in the pictures... and I am.

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