Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 23

I had a really long day in the kitchen and not much time to take pictures (up to my elbows in fall baking!) but first thing in the morning I was sitting in the living room having a cup of tea and I looked over at Lulu and this is what I saw.

To give the picture context she is sleeping using a stuffed toy as a pillow and likely had no clue her tongue is doing anything out of the ordinary. I love my dog. She is special. I mean that in the un-PC kind of way.


  1. That stuffed toy reminds me of Magda's giant stuffed dog, which she sometimes loves and sometimes is frightened of when she believes it has snuck up on her.

  2. This is a stuffed moose named FreakShow. He squeaks which means I don't like him but Lulu does and I guess that is supposed to count for something.
